On Wednesday, January 9th, we awoke to about 8 inches of snow. I spent the morning digging out the dogs' houses on the back deck so that they could have somewhere to stand during the day. We thought it was almost enough to have a snow-day from school; but we were not that lucky.

Mom is starting so shovel at the top of the driveway. It is now when we realize just how long our driveway is.....it's really long. We had shoveled about 1/4 of it before our neighbor, Nancy Bell, came over to help us. She is so friendly. She just talked and helped and the work went much faster after that. Then we went to help the woman next door whose husband had hip replacement surgery three days after Christmas.

Here is the gift the snow plow left us. It covers the fire-hydrant and almost our mailbox. At least it can be a shield from any out-of-control cars who come sliding into our cul-de-sac.

Here is the other large snow pack from the snow plow. The neighborhood kids take their sleds out on it to slide down. I remember doing that when I was a kid. We haven't had this much snow all at once in a long time. It is pretty; I like it. It's just cold!