Monday, March 31, 2008

What ever happened to "Out like a lamb"?

As I went to bed late last night I heard the sound of hail hitting the dried, left-over leaves from last fall. I didn't really think much of it until I went upstairs this morning and found 2-3 inches of snow on the deck. I was shocked. I stood for a moment trying to take in the scene before me; as blurry as it was without my glasses, I was sure of what I was seeing. I assured myself that it was O.K., we have had snow in the spring before, and that it would be gone before the afternoon grew into evening. WRONG!!

The temperature today reminded me of much more frigid January mornings and the snow on the grass was still clinging on solidly as the sun went down. Snow is usually fine, and with the "decades" of drought we have had it is welcome - but it is becoming as tiresome as company that stays too long. I am ready for it to take a trip to the North and make room for other warmer visitors to leaves, butterflies and summer temperatures. Maybe tomorrow, on the day of fools, Mother Nature will fool us with a day of spring before dumping on us another blast of winter.